Digital Printing vs Offset Printing vs Letterpress Printing: Your Complete Guide

Digital printing vs offset printing vs letterpress printing: which is right for you? This guide will take you through these different printing methods to help you find out which one is best for you and your particular project.

Click on one of the links below to learn more about each topic:

1. What Is Digital Printing & When Is It Best?
2 What Is Offset Printing & When Is It Best?
3. What Is Letterpress Printing & When Is It Best?
4. Digital Printing vs Offset Printing vs Letterpress Printing Comparison

To find out more about each topic above, continue reading below. Or, you can contact the experts at JH French to learn more.


Digital Printing vs Offset Printing vs Letterpress Printing: Your Guide

What Is Digital Printing?

Digital printing is a form of printing that you are likely aware of and have even done yourself! With digital printing, you print using a digital or electronic file that has been created on a computer or another digital storage device.

This form of printing uses toner or inkjet printing. You can choose from a wide variety of paper stocks and sizes. Choosing different sizes and stocks allows you to create a design that best suits your project (such as flyers, posters, business documents, and more.)

Many people choose digital printing because it allows for variable data printing (VDP). This is a big benefit over other forms of printing! VDP allows the printer to change different elements on the printed document while printing.


Variable data printing is a great tool for many projects!


So, what exactly does this mean? Well, it means if you are running something such as a mailing campaign, your document will automatically print with the correct, different addresses printed on each separate page.

VDP pulls information from a spreadsheet (like an Excel spreadsheet) to get this information. This can save you tons of time of energy!

When Should I Choose Digital Printing?

There are many times when digital printing may be the best choice for your project and business. Out of the three options, digital printing is typically the most economical choice.

If you are on a tight budget and you have smaller set of items to print (not over 1,000 runs) digital printing may be the best option for you.

for many different purposes, both business and personal, you can print a wide range of projects. When you work with an experienced, high-quality printer, your digitally printed projects will look beautiful and professional.

Here are some examples of what projects you can print digitally:

If you are not sure if digital printing is going to be the best choice for your particular project, you can always consult with a professional printer to find out more.

What Is Offset Printing?

Digital printing and offset printing are both used frequently for business projects. Like digital printing, offset printing is a popular choice and was actually the standard method of printing used before digital printing took off.

However, what sets offset printing apart is the use of plates. Offset printing involves the use of metal plates. Printers will create metal plates of the images you need to be printed. You can take a look at the video below to learn a bit more about how this process works.


With offset printing, the ink is not transferred directly onto the finished paper, but instead, the ink first goes onto a rubber blanket. In contrast, digital printing transfers ink directly to your paper.

After that, the ink is rolled onto the paper. Offset printed projects do take some time to set and dry.

When Should I Choose Offset Printing?

Offset printing is ideal for printing longer runs, over 1,000, with either single, multi or full-colour printing. Because offset printed projects do require setting time, they are best for those who have the time to wait for their finished product.

When you choose offset printing, you are guaranteed a highly accurate colour reproduction, distinct images, and lettering. Offset printing is typically considered the higher quality option and generally looks very clean and polished.

However, it is important to keep in mind that digital printing has come a long way since its inception! Digital printing can now provide businesses with high-quality, professional products.

Both offset printing and digital printing can be used to create the same printing projects.

What Is Letterpress Printing?

Letterpress printing is an ancient printing technique. The printer applies ink to a raised surface and then directly presses that surface onto paper. Letter press printing does allow you to make copies of the same text or image.

When thinking about how letterpress printing, you can imagine it like using a rubber stamp. Letterpress printing is a traditional printing method.


Letterpress printing has been around for thousands of years


We actually have evidence showing that it was used all the way back in 868 A.D or earlier. However, the Gutenberg Press revolutionized the process in 1450.

In the modern era, letterpress printing is now considered a craft. Not all printers have the know-how or the machinery to do letterpress printing for individuals or businesses.

When Should I Choose Letterpress Printing?

Unlike the other two forms of printing we’ve mentioned, letterpress printing is often used for speciality projects, where you really want your finished product to stand out.

Letterpress printing can be used to create beautifully unique printed projects. It takes more time and may require a higher budget due to its specialized nature.

If you have a special project that you want to stand out, that is the best time to choose letterpress printing instead of digital or offset.

For example, a business may choose letterpress printing for projects like special event invitations, specialty stationery, and greeting or holiday cards.

Digital Printing vs Offset Printing vs Letterpress Printing

Still not so sure which printing method is right for you? Check out the comparison chart below to see all of the methods side-by-side.

Digital Printing vs Offset Printing vs Letterpress Printing

Printing Methods Comparison Chart


As you can see from the information listed and the chart above, all three printing methods have pros and cons and may be best used in particular situations.

If you are not sure which type of printing is best suited for your project, consider reaching out to the printing experts at JH French. We have been in business for over 100 years and have the experience and expertise to help you with any printing project you may have!


Choose JH French For All Your Printing Needs

At JH French, you can rely on our 120 years of printing experience to help you get the best printed products for your business - whether you choose letterpress printing, digital printing or offset printing.

If you need to print business cards, flyers, posters, stationery, forms, or any other documents or projects, we have you covered.

When you choose to work with JH French, you will be working with a full-service printing company that has over 120 years of experience. Get in touch now!

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