Printing for a Union Special Event
Being a part of a union often encompasses attending union special events. You may be celebrating an anniversary, gathering to discuss general information, or negotiating wages. Regardless of the event, these gatherings are a perfect opportunity to supply your union members with various print products.
This blog will look at various union special events and explain different types of print products that may be needed for each event.
Click on each corresponding link to learn more.
If you are hosting a union special event and are wondering what print products you should include, contact us today! We offer custom printing for unions, big and small.
Consider different print products for you union special event.
Union Special Events and Print Products
1. Celebration
Unions often host gatherings/socials when they are celebrating a milestone, such as an anniversary. Perhaps your union has just reached its 75-year milestone and your members want to get together for a big social gathering to celebrate this union special event.
This presents the perfect opportunity to have some tickets printed which members can purchase to pay for food, prizes, and even a raffle. If you end up selling more tickets than expected, your union is now presented with extra income which they can use to give back to their members.
You could also print custom cards to celebrate holidays such as Christmas and Thanksgiving or to celebrate your union members’ Birthdays.
Custom cards are a great way to show appreciation for your union members.
2. General Membership Meetings
Oftentimes, unions will host general membership meetings in order to update union members on important information, such as:
Upcoming events
Union activities.
This is a perfect opportunity to provide your union members with a union calendar. Through this, you are able to mark the calendar with upcoming events and provide each member with their own copy. In return, your union members will be less likely to forget upcoming events given their busy lifestyles. Also, sending your members home with a calendar that incorporates high-quality images is a gesture that will be much appreciated.
You can even have some fun with the calendar-building process by having the union members submit their favourite action shots from work to be potentially included on the calendar.
Take pride in the calendar-building process and collect high-quality images.
3. Informational Sessions
Informational sessions are a critically important type of union special event. These sessions focus on providing members with specific knowledge or training related to their work, industry, or rights. They may cover topics such as:
Professional development
Given that these events typically involve a lot of information, you may want to present your union members with a brochure that summarizes all of the information that was presented during the informational session. For example, if you went over labour laws and benefits you can incorporate two separate sections on your brochure that lists the most important points pertaining to these categories.
Brochures are a great tool for summarizing large amounts of information.
4. Community Engagement Events
Unions often participate in community engagement initiatives to support local causes, charities, or social justice campaigns. These events can include
Volunteer activities
Fundraising events
Partnerships with other organizations to advocate for social justice
You can advocate for community initiatives by having specialized signs printed. For example, perhaps you are trying to raise money for a charity or raise awareness about a certain injustice within your field of work. A great way to increase awareness is to hold up some high-quality signage which people can quickly read. Depending on the topic, members of the general public may become invested in the issue at hand and in return, donate to the cause or advocate on your union’s behalf.
Custom signs raise awareness and advocacy for pressing issues.
5. Training Workshops
Unions frequently arrange workshops or seminars to enhance members’ skills, knowledge, or professional development. These workshops can cover various topics such as:
Leadership development
Communication skills
Conflict resolution
Specific technical training
Regardless of the training topic, this union special event is a great opportunity to give your union members a printed programme embedded in a presentation folder. Programmes are great because they can be easily customized and consist of a few pages or an entire book. You can include an overview of the training they are going to engage in and a few sections that they can read and follow along. Programmes are an excellent tool to use because even after the training is complete, your union members will have something to reference when they are questioning how to do certain things.
Having a programme allows trainees to follow along during training sessions.
6. Negotiation Meetings
Meetings dedicated to negotiation are crucial during the collective bargaining process. They involve representatives from the union discussing and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment with the employer, discussing items including:
Working hours
Given that negotiation meetings often involve discussion around contract ratification, it is important that union members and representatives are presented with a print product that clearly lists new terms and conditions or requests. Presenting these forms in a custom envelope that states the title of your union and your union bug is a great idea. Contact a professional company to design and print custom envelopes for your union.
Custom stationary looks professional.
7. Grievance Hearings
If a union member has a dispute or complaint with their employer regarding a violation of their rights or the collective agreement, the union may organize a grievance hearing to address and resolve the issue. These meetings allow members to present their cases/concerns and seek a resolution.
Therefore, consider ordering professionally printed grievance forms so that your union members can present their concerns in a clear and concise way and you can keep a formal record.
Ensure that your union members can clearly present their concerns.
8. Strike Authorization Votes
When unions are considering going on strike, they often organize meetings or events to allow members to vote on authorizing strike action. These gatherings involve discussion about the reasons for the potential strike and the implications it may have.
Given this, you may want to print a large number of tickets or voting cards so that members can anonymously vote on authorizing strike action.
Anonymously voting via tickets/voting cards promotes confidentiality.
Image Source | PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay.
JH French Print Products
If you looking for a print shop with both good customer service and the expertise to deliver on their promise of quality, look no further than JH French.
We’ve been serving Hamilton, Ontario, and organizations across Canada for over a century.
We offer cutting-edge modern printing techniques, as well as dozens of different print products and services.
Contact us today to learn more about all our different products and services.
“I was recently connected with Glen and everyone at JH French and I couldn’t be happier with the reference. Personal, friendly and professional. When I received my prints I couldn’t have been happier with the results. Real pros who know how to get it done.”