Brochure Printing For Businesses: FAQ

Need brochure printing for your business? Brochures are excellent marketing materials that many businesses use to help customers learn more about their services and products.

If you are considering brochure printing but want to learn more before you get started, jump ahead to an FAQ below:

1. How much does brochure printing cost on average?
Do I have to design my own brochure?
What styles of brochures are available?
Can you print all brochure styles?
What should I know about brochure design?
What information should I include in my brochure?
Is a brochure or flyer a better choice for my project?

To find out the answers to all of the questions above, continue reading. Or, if you would like to know more about printing your unique project, contact the experts at JH French now.

1. How Much Does Brochure Printing Cost On Average?

Brochure printing cost will greatly vary due to a variety of factors, such as quality of paper used, if your project is printed using digital or offset printing, and the quantity of your order.

In general, you can expect to pay around $1.00 - $2.00 per brochure, though it may cost more or less. In order to get the most accurate estimate, you should consult with a professional printer before submitting your order.

2. Do I Have To Design My Own Brochure Before Printing?

If you are printing a brochure on your own at a self-serve print store, then you would need to design your own brochure or have someone else on your staff design and format the brochure.

If you work with a full-service printing company, they can design and format your brochure for you if you do not know how or simply don’t have the time.

One of the benefits of having your brochure professionally designed before you print is that you won’t have to worry about any formatting errors.

Since brochures are folded, it can be difficult to format them perfectly. If you do not know how to typeset a brochure, you may end up with words or images in the wrong spot.

Getting your brochures professionally designed can save you time and money, as you won’t have to go back and correct errors and then print a second time.

3. What Styles Of Brochures Are Available For Printing?

Example of a bi-fold brochure

Brochures come in a wide range of styles and sizes, so that you can choose one that works best for your project and for the information you want to share.

Some common brochure styles include:

  • Bi-Fold Brochures: Also called the “half fold,” this is a simple folded brochure that is folded like a booklet. Imagine a regular piece of paper simply folded in half - that’s what a bi-fold brochure looks like.

  • Tri-Fold Brochure: A tri-fold brochure is likely what you think of when you imagine a brochure. It is folded into 3 sections, which allows for 6 different unique ‘pages.’

  • Gate Fold Brochure: A gate fold brochure has an 8 section layout, with the front two pieces of paper folded inwards, acting like double doors or a gate.

If you would like to visualize what these brochures look like, check out this page that shows many different fold options.

4. Are All Brochure Styles Easy To Print?

Yes. A professional printer will have no issue printing any type of brochure style that you want printed. Most brochure styles are formatted on a standard 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper, printed double sided, and then folded in the correct way after printing.

Even if your brochure is a unique size or format, you will be able to speak with your printer about creating a custom design and printing it on a different sized piece of paper.

5. What Should I Know About Brochure Design?

If you are planning to design your own brochure, there are some things you should keep in mind before you get started.

First of all, you will want to know exactly what fold you will be using. As your brochure file will be formatted just like a normal, flat piece of paper on the computer, you will need to create a grid or divisions of some sort to ensure that your content is placed on the correct brochure page.

An example of a tri-fold brochure template by Canva

If you are unsure how to do this, you can always look up brochure templates that will help you stay within the bounds of each page.

You’ll also want to consider what paper your brochure will be printed on. Do you want a glossy finish? Matte? Certain designs may look better with different finishings.

When it comes to the actual design of your brochure, simple is often better. Don’t overuse different colours, fonts, or imagery. Keep it simple, concise, and professional.

For more design tips, click here.

6. What Information Should I Include In My Brochure?

Brochures typically include a lot of important information about your business and their services or products.

While they do include a good amount of information, keep in mind that brochures are not very big! That means that you will need to find a way to show this information in a concise and effective way.

Most business brochures will have information such as:

  • Product and/or service showcase: It may showcase one particular service or product, or provide an overview for all products/services.

  • Contact information: Somewhere on the brochure, usually on the back, you’ll want to include email addresses, location, phone numbers, etc.

  • About your business: You will probably want to include information about who your business is and why customers/clients should work with you.

Of course, each business brochure is unique, and you can choose to include any information you want.

Some brochures may be used to let customers know more about their staff (for example, medical teams may use this to help patients feel more comfortable), or they may be used to advertise a particular event or fundraiser.

7. Is a Brochure Or Flyer Better For My Project?

Brochures and flyers are both great tools when it comes to print marketing. While both brochures and flyers can really be used to convey any information a business wants, brochures are often used to provide general information about a business.

This includes information like services or products that are regularly available. They may also be used to provide general information about staff or about the business.

Flyers, on the other hand, are often used to let people know about a particular upcoming event, such as a sale, a fundraiser, or another special event. They could also be used to highlight new staff, an award, or other one-time things.

If you aren’t sure if a brochure or a flyer is right for you, consider consulting with a professional printer or designer. They can help you determine which is best for your project.


High-Quality Brochure Printing For Businesses By
JH French

If you are looking for professional brochure printing, you can rely on JH French’s experience and expertise. We can help you design and print beautiful brochures and other printed documents like pamphlets, flyers, posters, and more.

JH French specializes in printed business materials. We have helped countless businesses across Hamilton, Ontario, and Canada, create the perfect printed products.

If you need to print booklets, business cards, flyers, posters, stationery, forms, or any other documents or projects, we have you covered.

When you choose to work with JH French, you will be working with a full-service printing company that has over 120 years of experience. Get in touch now! We are located in Hamilton, Ontario, but serve Canadian companies coast to coast!

“I was recently connected with Glen and everyone at JH French and I couldn't be happier with the reference. Personal, friendly and professional. When I received my prints I couldn't have been happier with the results. Real pros who know how to get it done ✔️”

Ryan Ladner, Read More Google Reviews


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