How to Choose the Right Print Shop Near Me

“With so many options, how can I decide on the best print shop near me?”

Shopping for your business can be a pain, and research can be even more of a pain.

This article collects the most important considerations you should keep in mind when hunting for the ideal print shop for the job you need to get done.

If you live in Hamilton or are interested in shopping with a historic, experienced, independent Canadian print shop, contact JH French, or read the next section below to learn more about them.

Otherwise, you can jump straight to our quick tips by clicking the headings below.

Your specific needs may vary, but we hope we’ve covered the most important details when it comes to deciding on “the right print shop near me.”

Hamilton Printing - JH French

Located centrally, JH French offers a diversity of products and services.

Open for over 100 years, JH French has been led through the last century by a powerful family tradition that values resourcefulness, hard work, and quality.

We offer printing services for projects small or large, as well as bindery, design assistance, mailing services, and more.

When many people think of old print shops, they think of old books, but we offer many modern products such as booklets, calendars, hard hat decals, and more.

Check out the gallery below for some examples, or contact us directly for more information.

After demonstrating our quality for so long, we’ve built up a consistent customer base over the years. If you have specific pricing questions, or you’re wondering about a product that we didn’t mention, contact us today and we’ll help as soon as we can.

Tip #1 - Services

For your own convenience, find a print shop that handles the entire printing process.

If you’re wondering “How can I find the best print shop near me,” the very first thing to check is if a given print shop offers the service you need.

As explained below, the three main types of services you can expect a print shop to offer include printing methods, design services, and general admin assistance.

Different Printing Methods

Ask to see if the print shop offers the right printing method for your job:

  • Letterpress Printing - Traditional, expensive. Good for specialty products.

  • Offset Printing - Uses coloured rollers to print. Good for large print runs of the same file.

  • Digital Printing - Faster than Offset, but pricier. Good for small to medium print runs.

Offset and digital printing are the most common methods.

Graphic Design

Good graphic design is hard to do. Fortunately, some modern print shops offer graphic design in addition to their practical services.

Graphic design will be an additional fee, but getting it done at the same print shop where you’re printing is convenient and easy.

Different shops might be good at some things and weak at others. Remember to ask for examples of previous work, or browse their website for examples of what they can do. You want to be informed of their capabilities so you don’t become disappointed.

Some booklet templates from JH French.

Admin Services

Another potentially complicated aspect of printing orders is project management. This complexity is compounded when you’re placing large orders for a conference or other large event.

If you can, call a print shop directly to talk to them about what they’re able to plan and organize.

Ideally, a print shop should be able to handle everything after you tell them what you need and at what volume. Some print shops even offer shipping services.

The more logistical tasks you can trust the print shop with, the easier your life will be.

Customer reviews can sometimes provide insight into the organization or administrative competence of a print shop.

Tip #2 - Cost

Costs will vary from shop to shop.

On average, this is how much some of the more common printed products can cost:

  • Hard Hat Decals - $0.50-$3

  • Poetry Books - $1-$100

  • Booklets or Pamphlets - $0.50-$1

  • Notebooks - $1-$40

  • Magazines - $2-$50

These prices are just an estimate. Actual costs will vary based on your location, your specific product modifications, the materials used, and other factors.

Other Factors Impacting Cost

  • Volume - By far the most significant factor. Ordering 500 copies of a product vs. 50 can cut your price-per-copy in half, or more.

  • Stationary Cost - There are a variety of different qualities of paper you can use for your order, from functional to premium.

  • Aesthetic Features - Many print shops offer fancy additional features you can apply to your print order, such as embossing, foiling, or different binding types like hardcover.

The most reliable way to assess the price of your proposed printing order is to contact a print shop directly to ask for a price quote.

Tip #3 - Location

Don’t underestimate the convenience of being able to visit the print shop in person.

Ideally, the shop you choose where to print will be in the same town as you and/or your business. With at least 1,612 printing companies Canada-wide, you’re likely to find a local print shop near you if you live in a moderately sized urban area.

The benefits of shopping with a local print company are twofold:

  • Convenience - With a local print shop, you can potentially pick your order up from them, or have them deliver it to you with only minor costs. Additionally, being able to visit the print shop in person adds peace of mind, and makes it easier to iron out the details of your order.

  • Supporting Local - Despite being considered less often than most other factors, there is something to be said for putting your money towards your local economy by supporting independent businesses that do quality work.

Location matters more for you than it does the print shop.

If you find a print shop you really like, ask them if they offer shipping services. Shipping within Canada can get expensive if your order is heavy, but if you’re ordering a quality product, the premium cost may be worth it.

JH French: The Best Print Shop Near Me

Professional book binders and printers for over 100 years.

Located in central Hamilton, JH French offers a variety of traditional bookbinding techniques, as well as modern digital printing services. Check out our blog for lots of interesting articles related to printing, or click the buttons below to learn more about our products and services.

(905) 528-8385


Excellent experience, have used them for about a year. Always clarifying info, always meets deadline, manages expectation and quality printing products. Will continue to use them! Very friendly and professional
— Rick A.
JH French are most reliable and dependable. What I find to be most endearing is their concerns for the client. They want to get the job done right and on time.
— Mike P.

What is Offset Printing?


Custom Printing Methods: Letterpress, Offset, and Digital Printing